Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Salam Hujung Minggu..!!
Hari nie cgu nak kongsi rasa..!!
Sebelum jauh membaca, cgu nak minta maaf laa jika hari nie anak2 murid cgu terutama 2RK1 rasa marah kat cgu. Bukan nye cgu marah kalian sangat ...cuma cgu nak yg terbaek je..sebab utk berada dalam kelas seperti ini adalah sesuatu yg berharga..dan cgu nak semua faham..
Cgu sayang semua sebab tu cgu nasihat...tapi tak tahu laa kalau ada yg tak suka kan..cgu tak leh paksa..terpulang..fikirkan lah apa yg telah cgu cakap tadi..
Tapi cgu rasa seronok dan enjoy sangat masa kita buat amali tadi..sampai kite terlupa masa dah hampir 15 minit berlalu...kesian cgu artika tunggu lama..!! Itulah yg cgu hendak...bila kita belajar..kita buat yg terbaik..lepas tu we work as a team..bukan individu..sebab bila kita berkerjasama kita akan berjaya..jagan ada perasaan benci, tak suka,iri hati atau dengki kat kawan2..sepatutnya kita tanamkan rasa kasih dan sayang sesama kita supaya hubungan keakrapan sesama kaum akan terjalin..baru lah seronok nak belajar..
cgu harap semua faham maksud cgu..
Baik lah..sehingga kita jumpa lagi..SELAMAT BERHUJUNG MINGGU..!!
Sebelum jauh membaca, cgu nak minta maaf laa jika hari nie anak2 murid cgu terutama 2RK1 rasa marah kat cgu. Bukan nye cgu marah kalian sangat ...cuma cgu nak yg terbaek je..sebab utk berada dalam kelas seperti ini adalah sesuatu yg berharga..dan cgu nak semua faham..
Cgu sayang semua sebab tu cgu nasihat...tapi tak tahu laa kalau ada yg tak suka kan..cgu tak leh paksa..terpulang..fikirkan lah apa yg telah cgu cakap tadi..
Tapi cgu rasa seronok dan enjoy sangat masa kita buat amali tadi..sampai kite terlupa masa dah hampir 15 minit berlalu...kesian cgu artika tunggu lama..!! Itulah yg cgu hendak...bila kita belajar..kita buat yg terbaik..lepas tu we work as a team..bukan individu..sebab bila kita berkerjasama kita akan berjaya..jagan ada perasaan benci, tak suka,iri hati atau dengki kat kawan2..sepatutnya kita tanamkan rasa kasih dan sayang sesama kita supaya hubungan keakrapan sesama kaum akan terjalin..baru lah seronok nak belajar..
cgu harap semua faham maksud cgu..
Baik lah..sehingga kita jumpa lagi..SELAMAT BERHUJUNG MINGGU..!!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Salam Sejahtera utk semua..!!
Untuk anak2 murid cikgu..sebagai pengukuhan atas apa yang telah kite pelajari hari ini , cgu berikan sedikit notes ...cuba baca walaupun mungkin benda yg sama je mcm cgu cakap tadi dan buatlah latihan yg diberikan sebelum ini sambil2 surf internet tu..jgn asyik maen games saja..mcm cgu smart..!!!
1. Reflection of light --- huruf ' E ' di tengah -- utk pantulan (ingat tue)
Law of Relfection :
i. The incident ray, reflected ray and the normal ray are all on the same plane( satah yg sama ).
ii. the angle of incident is equal to the angle of reflected ray.
4. The knowledge of the reflection of light is used in the following instruments:
i. periscope : used in submarines to see the situation on the surface of the sea.
ii. Kaleidoscope : produces attractive patterns of small objects in it.
5.The light ray is reflected when it is directed towards the plane mirror. The characteristic are as follows ;
i. Virtual ( cannon be formed on a screen )
ii. Vertical
iii. of the same size as the object
iv. distance of the image behind the mirror is the same as the distance of the object in front of the mirror
v. laterally inverted
1. Reflection of light --- huruf ' E ' di tengah -- utk pantulan (ingat tue)
Law of Relfection :
i. The incident ray, reflected ray and the normal ray are all on the same plane( satah yg sama ).
ii. the angle of incident is equal to the angle of reflected ray.
2. The law od Reflected is obeyed when the light rays fall onto a uniform surface.
The reflected light rays are also parallel (selari ) and in order.
3. If the parallel light rays fall on a non-uniform rough or uneven surface (permukaan tak sekata),
the reflected light rays will not be parallel or in order but dispersed.
4. The knowledge of the reflection of light is used in the following instruments:
i. periscope : used in submarines to see the situation on the surface of the sea.
ii. Kaleidoscope : produces attractive patterns of small objects in it.
5.The light ray is reflected when it is directed towards the plane mirror. The characteristic are as follows ;
i. Virtual ( cannon be formed on a screen )
ii. Vertical
iii. of the same size as the object
iv. distance of the image behind the mirror is the same as the distance of the object in front of the mirror
v. laterally inverted
ok..until then..utk 2RK2..see you all on Monday..and don't forget to study..for 2 RK1..kita jumpa esuk..we have experiment to do..!!Bye
Monday, January 25, 2010

[ - *Glitter Words*]
If I could catch a rainbow
I would do it just for you
And share with its beauty
On the days you're feeling blue.

If I could build a mountain
You could call your very own
A place to find serenity
A place to be alone.
If I could take your troubles
I would toss them into the sea
But all these things I'm finding
Are impossible for me.
I cannot build a mountain
Or catch a rainbow fair
But let me be what I know best
A friend that's always there.
Sandra Lewis Pringle
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Salam sayang untuk semua..

[ - *Glitter Words*]
Untuk semua,
Disini cikgu berikan satu link yang cikgu rasa menarik dan ada kena mengena dengan apa yang telah kita pelajari dan akan pelajari. Moga2 ia dapat menambahkan lagi ilmu yang kita ada..teruskan membaca..kerana membaca jambatan ilmu...manusia yang berjaya adalah manusia yang membaca..!!
Klik saja di laman web ini :
Light Magic
Ilmu bukanlah apa-apa yang telah kita pelajari tetapi ia adalah apa yang ingin kita pelajari...hayati ia..!
Salam untuk Semua..
Untuk semua anak murid cikgu yang tesayang..
Minggu nie kita berkabung..pelajar lelaki digalakkan memakai songkok berlilit kain/reben putih 2 inci..Pelajar perempuan emmm...memang dh pakai tudung putih kan...!!
So..dah baca notes yg chu beri..? Sorry laa..semalam memang cgu tk online..berehat...!! so maybe esuk ke cgu post notes atau exercise yg laen..
Until then..take care..and see ya...!!
Minggu nie kita berkabung..pelajar lelaki digalakkan memakai songkok berlilit kain/reben putih 2 inci..Pelajar perempuan emmm...memang dh pakai tudung putih kan...!!
So..dah baca notes yg chu beri..? Sorry laa..semalam memang cgu tk online..berehat...!! so maybe esuk ke cgu post notes atau exercise yg laen..
Until then..take care..and see ya...!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Salam untuk semua..

[ - *Glitter Words*]
Ok...minggu depan kita akan masuk chapter yg seterusnya.. cgu dah berikan notes pun ( set 5 ). Cuma cgu nk share gambar2 nie.. supaya lebih faham dan jelas.
1. How We See :
2. Bending Light :
The speed of light (about 3,000,000 meters per second!) is the speed light travels in a vacuum. (A vacuum is a space without atoms or molecules that cannot conduct heat or transmit sound waves.) When light has to travel through a material, such as water, it moves somewhat slower. Putting the brakes on the speed of light causes the light to bend as it passes from one medium (such as air) to another (such as water). This is called refraction. Refraction is what causes a spectrum to form, as different wavelengths of light bend at different angles.
3. Reflecting Light :
Reflection is most likely the property of light that we experience most often. Looking at yourself in a mirror, seeing the reflection of the sun in the ocean at sunset, and the sight of a mirage on the hot desert sand are all examples of reflection.
4. Light waves and the rules of reflection
To see an object light has to reflect off the object. Light reflects of all objects and looks different due to how the light reflects of it. light reflects of rough surfaces differently depending if the surface is rough or smooth.
Rule 1: The angle of incidence ray is always the same size as the angle of reflection. (0i = 0r)
Rule 3: The image is always;
- The same size as the object.
- Laterally inverted (left becomes right and right becomes left), which is why writing is back to front in a mirror.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
We Meet Again..!

[ - *Glitter Words*]
Disini cgu berikan latihan/homework ttg mata. Cgu rasa masih ramai lagi yg tidak mahir ttg bahagian2 mata dan fungsinya. So cgu berikan latihan mengikut tahap. Bagi kelas 2RK2..try to answer the question without refering to the book sebab cgu percaya you all can do better..
Bagi student 2RK1..walaupun kita belum sampai kepada tajuk fungsi setiap bahagian mata..but cgu percaya you all can try latihan ini juga..
semua perlu download, print dan simpan dlm pink fail..jgn lupa buat jawapannya..until we meet again ..Love U.
Klik ikut tajuk latihan :
1. Homework 1 & 2 ( akan datang - ada kesilapan dlm download fail)
2. Notes Chapter 1 - ( set 5 )
Monday, January 18, 2010
Salam ...!
If your eyes follow the movement of the rotating pink dot,
the dots will remain only one color, pink. (Klik kat gambar)

Klik kat gambar :
However if you stare at the black " +" in the center, the moving dots turns to green.
Now, concentrate on the black " + " in the center of the picture. After a short period, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see only a single green dot rotating.
It's amazing how our brain works. There really is no green dot, and the pink ones really don't disappear. This should be proof enough, we don't always see what we think we see.
Next picture :
Looking up, or looking down?

This is all about Optical Illusions..Klik sini utk ke Link menarik nie :
the dots will remain only one color, pink. (Klik kat gambar)

Klik kat gambar :
However if you stare at the black " +" in the center, the moving dots turns to green.
Now, concentrate on the black " + " in the center of the picture. After a short period, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see only a single green dot rotating.
It's amazing how our brain works. There really is no green dot, and the pink ones really don't disappear. This should be proof enough, we don't always see what we think we see.
Next picture :
Looking up, or looking down?

This is all about Optical Illusions..Klik sini utk ke Link menarik nie :

Next question...!!
The following pictures are NOT animated.

Your eyes are making them move. To test this, stare at one spot in each picture for a few seconds and everything will stop moving; OR look at the black center of each circle in the first picture, and it will stop moving; but when you move your eyes to the next black center, the previous one will move after you take your eyes away from it.
The following pictures are NOT animated.

Your eyes are making them move. To test this, stare at one spot in each picture for a few seconds and everything will stop moving; OR look at the black center of each circle in the first picture, and it will stop moving; but when you move your eyes to the next black center, the previous one will move after you take your eyes away from it.
Salam Untuk Semua.:
Hai..hari nie cgu tk post notes..kita relex sikit...ok cgu nak bagi science puzzle..sapa boleh bagi jawapan..?
The pzzls eye test
Close one of your two eyes. Move your head close to the monitor and watch concentratedly to the left circle if you closed your left eye. You should look to the right circle if you closed your right eye. Keep watching and move your head slowly backwards while checking the other circle. What happens? And how is that possible?

The smart student can give the answer...hurry up..!! Give the answer in the shout box..!!...
The pzzls eye test
Close one of your two eyes. Move your head close to the monitor and watch concentratedly to the left circle if you closed your left eye. You should look to the right circle if you closed your right eye. Keep watching and move your head slowly backwards while checking the other circle. What happens? And how is that possible?

The smart student can give the answer...hurry up..!! Give the answer in the shout box..!!...
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Berjumpa lagi....
Seperti yang telah cgu janjikan..ini notes utk pelajaran yg seterusnya.
Cgu harap semua student cgu yang rajin dan pandai2 ini, dapat download notes nie..print dan simpan dalam fail sains kita.
Cgu bagi notes awal supaya ypu all boleh baca dulu dan faham dulu before kita berjumpa dalam makmal..mcm biasa..
Gunakan notes ini juga utk buat rujukan bagi menjawab latihan yg telah cgu berikan. Juga gunakan sebagai tambahan rujukan utk buku SPS kita..
Dowload fail ini :..SAINS FORM 2 - CHAPTER 1 ( SET 4 ) ( ms word)
Seperti yang telah cgu janjikan..ini notes utk pelajaran yg seterusnya.
Cgu harap semua student cgu yang rajin dan pandai2 ini, dapat download notes nie..print dan simpan dalam fail sains kita.
Cgu bagi notes awal supaya ypu all boleh baca dulu dan faham dulu before kita berjumpa dalam makmal..mcm biasa..
Gunakan notes ini juga utk buat rujukan bagi menjawab latihan yg telah cgu berikan. Juga gunakan sebagai tambahan rujukan utk buku SPS kita..
Dowload fail ini :..SAINS FORM 2 - CHAPTER 1 ( SET 4 ) ( ms word)
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hari nie cgu try nak post notes yg lain but line internet tak ok..!!
Frust betul..but it's ok ..cgu try post the notes esuk..!!
So jgn lupa utk baca notes yg telah ada dan buat latihan yg telah cgu berikan.
Sebagai tambahan tlg baca buku SPS dan lengkapkan jawapan pada tajuk yg akan kita bincangkan minggu hadapan. You can find all the answer in your text book or from your PMR revision book...! Just be confident in your answers..!!
Ok..until we meet again...!!
Frust betul..but it's ok ..cgu try post the notes esuk..!!
So jgn lupa utk baca notes yg telah ada dan buat latihan yg telah cgu berikan.
Sebagai tambahan tlg baca buku SPS dan lengkapkan jawapan pada tajuk yg akan kita bincangkan minggu hadapan. You can find all the answer in your text book or from your PMR revision book...! Just be confident in your answers..!!
Ok..until we meet again...!!
Friday, January 15, 2010

by: Donna Levine
There is inside you
All of the potential
To be whatever you want to be;
All of the energy
To do whatever you want to do.
Imagine yourself as you would like to be,
Doing what you want to do,
And each day, take one step
Towards your dream.
And though at times it may seem too
difficult to continue,
Hold on to your dream.
One morning you will awake to find
That you are the person you dreamed of,
Doing what you wanted to do,
Simply because you had the courage
To believe in your potential
And to hold on to your dream.
There is inside you
All of the potential
To be whatever you want to be;
All of the energy
To do whatever you want to do.
Imagine yourself as you would like to be,
Doing what you want to do,
And each day, take one step
Towards your dream.
And though at times it may seem too
difficult to continue,
Hold on to your dream.
One morning you will awake to find
That you are the person you dreamed of,
Doing what you wanted to do,
Simply because you had the courage
To believe in your potential
And to hold on to your dream.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Salam 1 Malaysia...!!
Seperti yg cgu janjikan tadi..nie cgu postingkan nota utk chapter 1:
1. Sains form 2 - chapter 1 - set 1
2. Sains form 2 - chapter 1 - set 2
3. Sains form 2 - chapter 1 - set 3
Haa...don't forget to read the notes..!!

[ - *Glitter Photos*]
1. Sains form 2 - chapter 1 - set 1
2. Sains form 2 - chapter 1 - set 2
3. Sains form 2 - chapter 1 - set 3
Haa...don't forget to read the notes..!!

[ - *Glitter Photos*]
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Salam Rindu utk semua..!!
Hari nie cikgu tak sempat nk upload notes...ada sikit lagi nak tambah..mungkin esuk cgu upload. So hari nie..biarlah cikgu cerita sikit. Minggu nie..cikgu bertugas..dan cikgu rasa banyak perubahan yang berlaku.
Pelajar2 datang cepat..pakaian pun kemas..disiplin ok dan yang bestnya cikgu rasa ....

[ - *Glitter Photos*]
setuju tak..?
Pelajar2 datang cepat..pakaian pun kemas..disiplin ok dan yang bestnya cikgu rasa ....

[ - *Glitter Photos*]
setuju tak..?
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Posting nota sains yang pertama..!
Percubaan pertama :
1. Sense of hearing
2.Human eye
3.Exercise for chapter 1
Jangan lupa untuk download ye..!!
1. Sense of hearing
2.Human eye
3.Exercise for chapter 1
Jangan lupa untuk download ye..!!
Khas untuk semua anak didikku yang tersayang..!
Hari ini utk pertama kalinya cikgu berjaya juga menyiapkan blog khas utk pelajar-pelajar yang ku sayang.
Moga dengan adanya blog ini memudahkan proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran kita.
Cikgu masih dalam proses belajar lagi membina blog kalau ada yg kurang..harap dimaafi..!
Moga dengan adanya blog ini memudahkan proses pembelajaran dan pengajaran kita.
Cikgu masih dalam proses belajar lagi membina blog kalau ada yg kurang..harap dimaafi..!
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