Untuk anak2 murid cikgu..sebagai pengukuhan atas apa yang telah kite pelajari hari ini , cgu berikan sedikit notes ...cuba baca walaupun mungkin benda yg sama je mcm cgu cakap tadi dan buatlah latihan yg diberikan sebelum ini sambil2 surf internet tu..jgn asyik maen games saja..mcm cgu pesan...study smart..!!!
1. Reflection of light --- huruf ' E ' di tengah -- utk pantulan (ingat tue)
Law of Relfection :
i. The incident ray, reflected ray and the normal ray are all on the same plane( satah yg sama ).
ii. the angle of incident is equal to the angle of reflected ray.
2. The law od Reflected is obeyed when the light rays fall onto a uniform surface.
The reflected light rays are also parallel (selari ) and in order.
3. If the parallel light rays fall on a non-uniform rough or uneven surface (permukaan tak sekata),
the reflected light rays will not be parallel or in order but dispersed.
4. The knowledge of the reflection of light is used in the following instruments:
i. periscope : used in submarines to see the situation on the surface of the sea.
ii. Kaleidoscope : produces attractive patterns of small objects in it.
5.The light ray is reflected when it is directed towards the plane mirror. The characteristic are as follows ;
i. Virtual ( cannon be formed on a screen )
ii. Vertical
iii. of the same size as the object
iv. distance of the image behind the mirror is the same as the distance of the object in front of the mirror
v. laterally inverted
ok..until then..utk 2RK2..see you all on Monday..and don't forget to study..for 2 RK1..kita jumpa esuk..we have experiment to do..!!Bye