Lama betul cgu tk update blog nie...ummm mcm selalu laa,..bila kesibukan yg teramat sangat..pastinya ank2 murid cgu faham kan..
Tentang test 2..secara keseluruhannya..cgu berpuas hati dengan pencapaian semua..cuma ada kes tertentu yg amat mendukacitakan..soa let it be..malas nk citer...tak guna kita membantu kepada org yg tk sedar diri dan tk mahu dibantu..biarkan dia dgn EGO nya..yg pasti seorag pelajar yg bersikap kan mampu utk mengubah 75 org pelajar yg cendikiawan lainnya..senang citer..selfishnya student tu akan memakan diri sendiri...kita tgk nnti..
Ok..tentang chapter 4..Interdependence Among Living Organisms..cgu rasa topik ini pun senang kan..cuma mungkin ada kekeliruan sedikit tentang terms yg tertentu...namun demikian cgu akan berikan bbp notes tambahan utk dibaca..jika rajin..boleh laa print dan simpan dlm fail ye..ok ..jom kita mule...
Species - ia a group of similar organisms. They have the same shape and structure, can breed together.
Habitat - is a natural living place for plants and animals. A habitat provides an organism with air, food, shelter and a place in which to breed.
Population - is a group of organisms of the same species that live together and reproduce in a habitat. Example : a population of monkeys on a tree.
Community - consists of several types of animals and plant populations that live together and interact with one another in a habitat.
Example : a pond community consists of fish,plant,tadpole and insects population.
Ecosystem - consists of several communities that interact with one another and with a physical environment (non living things such as water, air, soil etc)
Example : a pond ecosystem
Interaction among living things helps to ensure that a balanced ecosystem is maintained.
There are various kinds of interaction, ie:
i. prey-predator
ii. symbiosis
iii. competition
Ok..sampai sini dulu...ada masa lgi cgu update..see ya..!!