Friday, August 6, 2010


Ok...kite ketemu lagi....well..tentang ujian 3....CONGRATULATION..!!cgu sayang semua lah...!! markah diluar jangkaan cgu...terima kasih byk2...suke betul cgu bila ramai yg mendapat target seperti yg diharapkan...semoga kecemerlangan ini akan kite teruskan hingga ke PMR tahun depan...insyaallah...

Minggu depan kita akan sambung semula topik kite nie...sebelum itu..dah study..?..jgn tunggu cgu ye..buat homework dulu..fahamkan dulu ..dan baca dulu..kemudian ia akan lebih senang utk kita pelajari bersama..

Orait...cgu bantu sikit kat sini,

Is a maximum amount of salute in grams that will dissolve in 100 g of solvent at a given temperature.

For example :
The solubility of sodium chloride in water at a temperature of 20 degree Celcius is 38 g per 100 g of water. This means that only 38 g of sodium chloride can dissolve in 100 g of water at 20 degree celcius. The solution produced is a saturated solution.

The solubility of a salute depends on the :
a) nature of the solvent
b) nature of the solute
c) temperature

Rate Of dissolving :
Is refers to how fast a solute can dissolve in a given amount of solvent.

The rate of dissolving of a salute depends on the :
a) The temperature of the solvent - the higher the temperature of the solvent, the faster the solute dissolves.
b) The rate of stirring - the faster the the stirring, the faster the solute will dissolve in the solvent.
c) The size of the solute particles - the smaller the size of solute particle, the faster it dissolves in a solvent.

Water as a Solvent.
Water is a good solvent because it can dissolve almost every known substance.

Organic Solvents.
Organic solvents are organic compounds containing carbon that are used to dissolve solutes to form solutions.

Ok...itu saje dulu...kite sambung lain kali...bye..


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